Importance of WordPress Backup

WordPress Backup, Importance of taking back up of your wordpress powered web blog. check here for how can you take back up files of your website. wordpress is one of the most popular content management system. millions of people using the same for creating websites or blogs. wordpress using widely now for creating personal, tech, entertainment etc websites. there are lot of themes available for wordpress and we can easily convert to a good blog or website. taking back up’s are very important, there are lot of possibilities to lose data. hacking, software issues, accidental mistakes etc can be prevent with the help of backups. we can easily restore the files and databases, no worries about data lose.
from cpanel or vesta panel
there are so many options for WordPress Backup, if your website or blog have cpanel access you can easily take it. log on to your panel and find the section backup. you can download partial or full, its better to take full backups. you can ask your hosting provider for cpanel details. if you have any doubts about the same please check the image below. once the system created full website backup you can download the same from cpanel.

WpBackup using plugins
above we have discussed about taking backup manually. there are lot of wordpress plugins available for wpbackup like updraft plus etc . usage of this free wp-backup plugin is free, premium version is also available. you can can use these plugins for securing your wordpress powered website. there are lot of free and paid wordpress plugins. paid services will help your to take automated backups. free wordpress versions have some limitations, but some of them are very useful. we will publish more about these in the coming posts. its not easy to explain all in single post.
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